Laravel People
(or LaraCelebs)
These wonderful folk contribute so much to the Laravel community. They have also been fantastically wonderful to make a commit to our website codebase during Larahack.
Eric L. Barnes
Founder and creator of Laravel News and run a weekly Laravel Newsletter. I've been using Laravel since before it was cool. I love the community and thankful to be a part of it!
Michael Dyrynda
I've been using Laravel since 2012 and have been around the community in some way or another ever since! Most notably, I'm one of the co-hosts of the Laravel News and North Meets South podcasts.
Ian Landsman
Founder of UserScape. We've been involved with Laravel since near the beginning. We currently run Laracon Online, LaraJobs, and LaraTalent as well as participate in a number of Laravel community events.
Laura Elizabeth
I run Design Academy which aims to help developers conquer their fear of design (yes, it can be done!). I'm also the owner of Client Portal which is a client-friendly way to keep your projects organised. I spoke at both Laracon US and EU, have been lucky enough to work with Ian Landsman on LaraTalent, and currently working on a few other Laravel based projects.
Matt Stauffer
Co-founder of Tighten and author of Laravel: Up and Running. I speak at conferences some times, tell people to be nicer to each other, and run the Laravel Podcast.
Alex Garrett-Smith
Founder of Codecourse. Teaching web development with a healthy dose of Laravel.